

Abraham Lincoln: A Legacy of Freedom

15 years 10 months ago
Abraham Lincoln: A Legacy of Freedom
"The year 2009 marks the bicentennial of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, the nation’s 16th president, and the man often considered its greatest leader. As the United States endured its greatest crisis, this self-educated common man supplied the leadership and the moral force that bound Americans together and carried them to victory. His vision spanned diplomacy and military strategy, political thought and elemental justice for all Americans --- including the African-American slaves he emancipated. The essays gathered here introduce readers to this 'best and most widely acclaimed of all Americans.' "
Added 19 Feb 2009
Updated 19 Feb 2009
 What Lincoln Means to Me
What Abraham Lincoln Means to Americans Today
Groundwork for Greatness: Abraham Lincoln to 1854
Path to the White House: Abraham Lincoln From 1854
A New Look for Lincoln
Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief
Lincoln as Diplomat
Lincoln as Emancipator
The Words That Moved a Nation
Words of Wisdom
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