

Error Resilient Non-Asymmetric Slepian-Wolf Coding

14 years 9 months ago
Error Resilient Non-Asymmetric Slepian-Wolf Coding
Abstract—We consider non-asymmetric distributed source coding (DSC) that achieves any point in the Slepian-Wolf (SW) region. We study the error propagation phenomena and propose a decoding algorithm which limits this phenomena. For the case of turbo-codes, design rules are derived in order for the decoder to recover the sources. Distributed source coding (DSC) refers to the problem of compressing two or more correlated sources, where the encoding is performed separately but the decoding jointly. This setup is usually referred to as Slepian-Wolf coding (SW), since in [10], Slepian and Wolf derived the theoretical limits of the lossless coding of two correlated memoryless sources. These theoretical limits are given in terms of a set of achievable compression rates, also called the SW region. For two discrete sources, [10] shows the surprising result that the sum compression-rate of the two sources experiences no loss when the encoders cannot communicate. This property is very valuable ...
Cédric Herzet, Velotiaray Toto-Zarasoa, Ali
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICC
Authors Cédric Herzet, Velotiaray Toto-Zarasoa, Aline Roumy
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