

Axiomatizations for Temporal Epistemic Logic with Perfect Recall over Linear Time

14 years 7 months ago
Axiomatizations for Temporal Epistemic Logic with Perfect Recall over Linear Time
—This paper presents various semantic interpretations for logics of knowledge and time with prefect recall. We allow both past and future operators and examine the interpretation of different linear flows of time. In particular, we present temporal epistemic logics for each of the following flows of time: arbitrary linear orders; the integers; the rationals; the reals; and for uniform flows of time. (By uniform flows of time, we mean that time is an arbitrary linear order that is common knowledge to all agents). We propose axiomatizations for all logics except the last case, for which we show that no finite axiomatization can be found. The axiomatizations are shown to be sound and complete in the case of arbitrary linear orders and the rationals.
Szabolcs Mikulás, Mark Reynolds, Tim French
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where TIME
Authors Szabolcs Mikulás, Mark Reynolds, Tim French
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