

Virtual Experiences for Social Perspective-Taking

14 years 9 months ago
Virtual Experiences for Social Perspective-Taking
This paper proposes virtual social perspective-taking (VSP). In VSP, users are immersed in an experience of another person to aid in understanding the person’s perspective. Users are immersed by 1) providing input to user senses from logs of the target person’s senses, 2) instructing users to act and interact like the target, and 3) reminding users that they are playing the role of the target. These guidelines are applied to a scenario where taking the perspective of others is crucial - the medical interview. A pilot study (n = 16) using this scenario indicates VSP elicits reflection on the perspectives of others and changes behavior in future, similar social interactions. By encouraging reflection and change, VSP advances the state-ofthe-art in training social interactions with virtual experiences.
Andrew Raij, Aaron Kotranza, D. Scott Lind, Benjam
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where VR
Authors Andrew Raij, Aaron Kotranza, D. Scott Lind, Benjamin Lok
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