

Modelling Flexible Processes with Business Objects

14 years 9 months ago
Modelling Flexible Processes with Business Objects
Mainstream business process modelling techniques promote a design paradigm wherein the activities that may be performed within a case, together with their usual execution order, form the backbone on top of which other aspects are anchored. This Fordist paradigm, while effective in standardised and production-oriented domains, breaks when confronted with processes in which case-bycase variations and exceptions are the norm. We contend that the effective design of flexible processes calls for a substantially different modelling paradigm: one where processes are organized as interacting business objects rather than as chains of activities. This paper presents a metamodel for business process modelling based on business objects. The paper also presents a real-life case study in which a number of human service delivery processes were designed using the presented meta-model. The case study demonstrates that the meta-model addresses three key flexibility requirements encountered in this do...
Guy Redding, Marlon Dumas, Arthur H. M. ter Hofste
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Guy Redding, Marlon Dumas, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede, Adrian Iordachescu
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