

Whole body motion primitive segmentation from monocular video

14 years 9 months ago
Whole body motion primitive segmentation from monocular video
Abstract— This paper proposes a novel approach for motion primitive segmentation from continuous full body human motion captured on monocular video. The proposed approach does not require a kinematic model of the person, nor any markers on the body. Instead, optical flow computed directly in the image plane is used to estimate the location of segment points. The approach is based on detecting tracking features in the image based on the Shi and Thomasi algorithm [1]. The optical flow at each feature point is then estimated using the Lucas Kanade Pyramidal Optical Flow estimation algorithm [2]. The feature points are clustered and tracked on-line to find regions of the image with coherent movement. The appearance and disappearance of these coherent clusters indicates the start and end points of motion primitive segments. The algorithm performance is validated on full body motion video sequences, and compared to a joint-angle, motion capture based approach. The results show that the ...
Dana Kulic, Dongheui Lee, Yoshihiko Nakamura
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICRA
Authors Dana Kulic, Dongheui Lee, Yoshihiko Nakamura
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