

Probabilistic Color and Adaptive Multi-Feature Tracking with Dynamically Switched Priority Between Cues

15 years 4 months ago
Probabilistic Color and Adaptive Multi-Feature Tracking with Dynamically Switched Priority Between Cues
We present a probabilistic multi-cue tracking approach constructed by employing a novel randomized template tracker and a constant color model based particle filter. Our approach is based on deriving simple binary confidence measures for each tracker which aid priority based switching between the two fundamental cues for state estimation. Thereby the state of the object is estimated from one of the two distributions associated to the cues at each tracking step. This switching also brings about interaction between the cues at irregular intervals in the form of cross sampling. Within this scheme, we tackle the important aspect of dynamic target model adaptation under randomized template tracking which, by construction, possesses the ability to adapt to changing object appearances. Further, to track the object through occlusions we interrupt sequential resampling and achieve relock using the color cue. In order to evaluate the efficacy of this scheme, we put it to test against several st...
François Le Clerc, Lionel Oisel, Patrick P&
Added 14 Oct 2009
Updated 30 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICCV
Authors François Le Clerc, Lionel Oisel, Patrick Pérez, Vijay Badrinarayanan
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