

Combining search and action for mobile robots

14 years 7 months ago
Combining search and action for mobile robots
— We explore the interconnection between search and action in the context of mobile robotics. The task of searching for an object and then performing some action with that object is important in many applications. Of particular interest to us is the idea of a robot assistant capable of performing worthwhile tasks around the home and office (e.g., fetching coffee, washing dirty dishes, etc.). We prove that some tasks allow for search and action to be completely decoupled and solved separately, while other tasks require the problems to be analyzed together. We complement our theoretical results with the design of a combined search/action approximation algorithm that draws on prior work in search. We show the effectiveness of our algorithm by comparing it to state-of-theart solvers, and we give empirical evidence showing that search and action can be decoupled for some useful tasks. Finally, we demonstrate our algorithm on an autonomous mobile robot performing object search and deliver...
Geoffrey Hollinger, Dave Ferguson, Siddhartha Srin
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICRA
Authors Geoffrey Hollinger, Dave Ferguson, Siddhartha Srinivasa, Sanjiv Singh
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