Nowadays, programmers spend much of their workday dealing with code libraries and frameworks that are bloated with APIs. One common way of interacting with APIs is through Code Completion inside the code editor. By default, Code Completion presents in a scrollable list, in alphabetical order, all accessible members available in the apparent type and supertypes of a receiver expression. This default behavior for Code Completion should and can be further improved because (1) not all public methods are APIs and presenting non-API public members to a programmer is misleading, (2) certain APIs are meant to be accessible only in some limited contexts but not others, and (3) the alphabetical order separates otherwise logically related APIs, making it hard to see their connection. BCC (Better Code Completion) addresses these problems by enhancing Code Completion so that programmers can control how specific API elements should be sorted, filtered, and grouped.
David M. Pletcher, Daqing Hou