

GPU Supported Patch-Based Tessellation for Dual Subdivision

14 years 9 months ago
GPU Supported Patch-Based Tessellation for Dual Subdivision
A novel patch-based tessellation method for a dual subdivision scheme, the Doo-Sabin subdivision, is presented. Patch-based refinement for face-split subdivision schemes such as Catmull-Clark subdivision or Loop subdivision has been widely studied. But there is no patch-based tessellation algorithm for dual subdivision scheme [Shiue et al. 2005] yet. The method presented in this paper is the first attempt to fill up that gap. The new method uses an 1D array to hold vertices; it creates a patch corresponding to a vertex in the original mesh and does not have any numerical roundoff gaps on patch boundaries. These characteristics are different from those of patch-based refinements for face-split subdivision schemes. Experimental results show that our algorithm achieves real time tessellation performance for moderate meshes. CR Categories: I.3.5 [Computing Methodologies]: Computer Graphics—Curve, Surface, Solid, and Object Representations; I.3.8 [Computing Methodologies]: Computer G...
Fengtao Fan, Fuhua (Frank) Cheng
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Fengtao Fan, Fuhua (Frank) Cheng
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