

Introduction To Digital Filters With Audio Applications

15 years 9 months ago
Introduction To Digital Filters With Audio Applications
"This book was written for my introductory course in digital audio signal processing, which I have given at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) since 1984. The course was created primarily as a first course in digital signal processing for entering Music Ph.D. students in the Computer Based Music Theory and Acoustics program. Due to the nature of CCRMA research, this book will emphasize audio and music applications, although the material on the subject of digital filters itself is not specific to audio or music. A recommended co-requisite is [84], which contains a more detailed development of the mathematics of signals and spectra in the discrete-time case."
Julius O. Smith III
Added 04 Mar 2009
Updated 04 Mar 2009
Authors Julius O. Smith III

Table of Content

  1. The Simplest Lowpass Filter
  2. Matlab Filter Analysis
  3. Analysis of Digital Comb Filter
  4. Linearity and Time-Invariance
  5. Time Domain Filter Representations
  6. Transfer Function Analysis
  7. Frequency Response Analysis
  8. Pole-Zero Analysis
  9. Implementation Structures
  10. Filters Preserving Phase
  11. Minimum-Phase Filters
  12. Appendices
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