

Phoenix rebirth: Scalable MapReduce on a large-scale shared-memory system

14 years 7 months ago
Phoenix rebirth: Scalable MapReduce on a large-scale shared-memory system
Abstract—Dynamic runtimes can simplify parallel programming by automatically managing concurrency and locality without further burdening the programmer. Nevertheless, implementing such runtime systems for large-scale, shared-memory systems can be challenging. This work optimizes Phoenix, a MapReduce runtime for shared-memory multi-cores and multiprocessors, on a quad-chip, 32-core, 256-thread UltraSPARC T2+ system with NUMA characteristics. We show how a multi-layered approach that comprises optimizations on the algorithm, implementation, and OS interaction leads to significant speedup improvements with 256 threads (average of 2.5× higher speedup, maximum of 19×). We also identify the roadblocks that limit the scalability of parallel runtimes on shared-memory systems, which are inherently tied to the OS scalability on large-scale systems.
Richard M. Yoo, Anthony Romano, Christos Kozyrakis
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Richard M. Yoo, Anthony Romano, Christos Kozyrakis
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