—In this paper, we study an online bipartite matching problem, motivated by applications in wireless communication, content delivery, and job scheduling. In our problem, we have a bipartite graph G between n clients and n servers, which represents the servers to which each client can connect. Although the edges of G are unknown at the start, we learn the graph over time, as each client arrives and requests to be matched to a server. As each client arrives, she reveals the servers to which she can connect, and the goal of the algorithm is to maintain a matching between the clients who have arrived and the servers. Assuming that G has a perfect matching which allows all clients to be matched to servers, the goal of the online algorithm is to minimize the switching cost, the total number of times a client needs to switch servers in order to maintain a matching at all times. Although there are no known algorithms which are guaranteed to yield switching cost better than the trivial O(n2 )...