—In this paper we analyze the capacity of wireless mesh networks that use omni or directional antennas. The capacity in our analysis is the end-to-end per-node throughput. Our analysis is based on the assumption that there is only one gateway in the network and all end-users’ traffics go through the gateway. Non-gateway nodes are uniformly distributed in a twodimensional region centered at the gateway. The main results of our analysis can be summarized as: 1) The capacity is O(1/N) for both omni and directional antennas, where N is number of nodes in the network. 2) the capacity is O(lg m θ ) for m = 2, and O( lg m θ2 lg(1/θ) ) for m > 2, where m is the number of antennas on each node, and θ is the beamwidth of antennas.1