

C-MAC: Model-Driven Concurrent Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks

14 years 9 months ago
C-MAC: Model-Driven Concurrent Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks
— This paper presents C-MAC, a new MAC protocol designed to achieve high-throughput bulk communication for dataintensive sensing applications. C-MAC exploits concurrent wireless channel access based on empirical power control and physical interference models. Nodes running C-MAC estimate the level of interference based on the physical Signal-to-Interference-plusNoise-Ratio (SINR) model and adjust the transmission power accordingly for concurrent channel access. C-MAC employs a block-based communication mode that not only amortizes the overhead of channel assessment, but also improves the probability that multiple nodes within the interference range of each other can transmit concurrently. C-MAC has been implemented in TinyOS
Mo Sha, Guoliang Xing, Gang Zhou, Shucheng Liu, Xi
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Mo Sha, Guoliang Xing, Gang Zhou, Shucheng Liu, Xiaorui Wang
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