

Implementing protein seed-based comparison algorithm on the SGI RASC-100 platform

14 years 9 months ago
Implementing protein seed-based comparison algorithm on the SGI RASC-100 platform
This paper describes a parallel FPGA implementation of a genomic sequence comparison algorithm for finding similarities between a large set of protein sequences and full genomes. Results comparable to the tblastn program from the BLAST family are provided while the computation is improved by a factor 19. The performances are mainly due to the parallelization of a critical code section on the SGI RASC-100 accelerator.
Van Hoa Nguyen, Alexandre Cornu, Dominique Lavenie
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where IPPS
Authors Van Hoa Nguyen, Alexandre Cornu, Dominique Lavenier
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