Pipelined wavefront computations are a ubiquitous class of parallel algorithm used for the solution of a num ber of scientific and engineering applications. This paper investigates three optimisations to the generic pipelined wavefront algorithm, which are investigated through the use of predictive analytic models. The modelling of potential optimisations is supported by a recently developed reusable LogGPbased analytic per formance model, which allows the speculative evalu ation of each optimisation within the context of an industrystrength pipelined wavefront benchmark devel oped and maintained by the United Kingdom Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE). The paper details the quantitative and qualitative benefits of: (1) parallelis ing computation blocks of the wavefront algorithm using OpenMP; (2) a novel restructuring/shifting of compu tation within the wavefront code and, (3) performing simultaneous multiple sweeps through the data grid.
Gihan R. Mudalige, Simon D. Hammond, J. A. Smith,