

Portable builds of HPC applications on diverse target platforms

14 years 9 months ago
Portable builds of HPC applications on diverse target platforms
—High-end machines at modern HPC centers are constantly undergoing hardware and system software upgrades – necessitating frequent rebuilds of application codes. The number of possible combinations of compilers, libraries, application build configurations, differing hardware architectures, etc, makes the process of building applications very onerous, requiring expert build knowledge from different domains. Our ongoing Harness Workbench Toolkit (HWT) project aims to foster and streamline the entire build process on heterogeneous computational platforms. This paper focuses on a key research issue of the HWT that regards facilitating and enhancement portability of build systems across multifarious machines, with particular respect to scientific software commonly used in the HPC community. The article presents a novel HWT approach based on the concept of generic build systems and profiles which encapsulate build knowledge provided independently by relevant experts. The paper describe...
Magdalena Slawiñska, Jaroslaw Slawinski, Va
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where IPPS
Authors Magdalena Slawiñska, Jaroslaw Slawinski, Vaidy S. Sunderam
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