

Fault-Tolerance for Component-Based Systems - An Automated Middleware Specialization Approach

14 years 9 months ago
Fault-Tolerance for Component-Based Systems - An Automated Middleware Specialization Approach
General-purpose middleware, by definition, cannot readily support domain-specific semantics without significant manual efforts in specializing the middleware. This paper presents GRAFT (GeneRative Aspects for Fault Tolerance), which is a model-driven, automated, and aspects-based approach for specializing generalpurpose middleware with failure handling and recovery semantics imposed by a domain. Model-driven techniques are used to specify the special fault tolerance requirements, which are then transformed into middleware-level code artifacts using generative programming. Since the resulting fault tolerance semantics often crosscut the middleware architecture, GRAFT uses aspect-oriented programming to weave them into the original fabric of the general-purpose middleware. We evaluate the capabilities of GRAFT using a representative case study.
Sumant Tambe, Akshay Dabholkar, Aniruddha S. Gokha
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Sumant Tambe, Akshay Dabholkar, Aniruddha S. Gokhale
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