

A Tool for Topographic Analysis of Electrode Contacts in Human Cortical Stimulation

15 years 4 months ago
A Tool for Topographic Analysis of Electrode Contacts in Human Cortical Stimulation
Electric chronic stimulation of the human motor cortex (ECSM) has been reported to alleviate chronic severe pain. However the mechanism of action of ECSM is still hypothetical. This is due mainly to the poor knowledge of, 1) the electric diffusion through the multiple structures beneath the epidural contacts (i.e. dura matter, cerebrospinal fluid space, arachnoid membrane, grey and white matter layers, pie mere and vascular tree), 2) the absence of consensus concerning the stimulation parameters (mono versus bipolar stimulation, cathodic or anodic current) and 3) the detailed cortical topography of the contacts. In this study we focused on the precise identification of the cortical areas covered by the electric contacts in a series of twelve patients operated on for ECSM. We propose a new automatic tool for topographic analysis able to compute 2D maps from the 3D anatomic MRI with bijective transformation. Regions of interest (ROIs) were visually identified, manually outlined and extr...
Jean-Marie Favreau, Simone Hemm, Christophe Nuti,
Added 14 Oct 2009
Updated 30 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICCV
Authors Jean-Marie Favreau, Simone Hemm, Christophe Nuti, Jérôme Coste, Vincent Barra, Jean-Jacques Lemaire
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