

Explaining Anomalous Responses to Treatment in the Intensive Care Unit

14 years 9 months ago
Explaining Anomalous Responses to Treatment in the Intensive Care Unit
Abstract. The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) provides treatment to critically ill patients. When a patient does not respond as expected to such treatment it can be challenging for clinicians, especially junior clinicians, as they may not have the relevant experience to understand the patient’s anomalous response. Datasets for 10 patients from Glasgow Royal Infirmary’s ICU have been made available to us. We asked several ICU clinicians to review these datasets and to suggest sequences which include anomalous or unusual reactions to treatment. Further, we then asked two ICU clinicians if they agreed with their colleagues’ assessments, and if they did to provide possible explanations for these anomalous sequences. Subsequently we have developed a system which is able to replicate the clinicians’ explanations based on the knowledge contained in its several ontologies; further the system can suggest additional explanations which will be evaluated by the senior consultant.
Laura Moss, Derek H. Sleeman, Malcolm Booth, Malco
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where AIME
Authors Laura Moss, Derek H. Sleeman, Malcolm Booth, Malcolm Daniel, Lyndsay Donaldson, Charlotte J. Gilhooly, Martin Hughes, Malcolm Sim, John Kinsella
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