The photorealistic modeling of large-scale objects, such as urban scenes, requires the combination of range sensing technology and digital photography. In this paper, we attack the key problem of camera pose estimation, in an automatic and efficient way. First, the camera orientation is recovered by matching vanishing points (extracted from 2D images) with 3D directions (derived from a 3D range model). Then, a hypothesis-and-test algorithm computes the camera positions with respect to the 3D range model by matching corresponding 2D and 3D linear features. The camera positions are further optimized by minimizing a line-to-line distance. The advantage of our method over earlier work has to do with the fact we do not need to rely on extracted planar facades, or other higher-order features; we are utilizing lowlevel linear features. That makes this method more general, robust, and efficient. Our method can also be enhanced by the incorporation of traditional structure-from-motion algorith...