

Analyzing Resource Behavior Using Process Mining

14 years 9 months ago
Analyzing Resource Behavior Using Process Mining
It is vital to use accurate models for the analysis, design, and/or control of business processes. Unfortunately, there are often important discrepancies between reality and models. In earlier work, we have shown that simulation models are often based on incorrect assumptions and one example is the speed at which people work. The “Yerkes-Dodson Law of Arousal” suggests that a worker that is under time pressure may become more efficient and thus finish tasks faster. However, if the pressure is too high, then the worker’s performance may degrade. Traditionally, it was difficult to investigate such phenomena and few analysis tools (e.g., simulation packages) support workload-dependent behavior. Fortunately, more and more activities are being recorded and modern process mining techniques provide detailed insights in the way that people really work. This paper uses a new process mining plug-in that has been added to ProM to explore the effect of workload on service times. Based on h...
Joyce Nakatumba, Wil M. P. van der Aalst
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where BPM
Authors Joyce Nakatumba, Wil M. P. van der Aalst
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