

An Analysis of the Compact XSL Attack on BES and Embedded SMS4

14 years 9 months ago
An Analysis of the Compact XSL Attack on BES and Embedded SMS4
The XSL attack when applied on BES-128 has been shown to have an attack complexity of 2100 , which is faster than exhaustive search. However at FSE 2007, Lim and Khoo analyzed the eprint XSL attack on BES and showed that the attack complexity should be 2401 . Later at IEEE-YCS 2008, Qu and Liu counter-proposed that the compact XSL attack on BES-128 works and has complexity 297 . In this paper, we point out some errors in the attack of Qu and Liu. We also show that the complexity of the compact XSL attack on BES-128 is at least 2209.15 . At Indocrypt 2007, Ji and Hu claimed that the eprint XSL attack on ESMS4 has complexity 277 . By the same method we used to analyze BES, we also show that the complexity of compact XSL attack on ESMS4 is at least 2216.58 . Our analysis adapts the approach of Lim and Khoo to the compact XSL attack, and improves on it by considering the T method that grows the number of equations. Keywords. Compact XSL Attack, BES, ESMS4.
Jiali Choy, Huihui Yap, Khoongming Khoo
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CANS
Authors Jiali Choy, Huihui Yap, Khoongming Khoo
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