

Ensuring Authentication of Digital Information Using Cryptographic Accumulators

14 years 9 months ago
Ensuring Authentication of Digital Information Using Cryptographic Accumulators
In this paper, we study the broadcast authentication problem for both erasure and adversarial networks. Two important concerns for authentication protocols are the authentication delay and the packet overhead. In this paper, we address those points by proposing two schemes based on cryptographic accumulators. Our first scheme is developed for erasure channels and its packet overhead is less than the length of a digest most of the time. This makes our construction one of the least expensive protocols for this network model. Even if the sender processes the stream slightly in delay, the receivers can authenticate packets on-the-fly. Our second scheme is designed for adversarial networks. We show that our packet overhead is less than for the construction by Karlof et al. in 2004 and the protocol by Tartary and Wang in 2006 which are two recent efficient schemes dealing with adversarial networks.
Christophe Tartary
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CANS
Authors Christophe Tartary
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