

3D Wayfinding Choremes: A Cognitively Motivated Representation of Route Junctions in Virtual Environments

14 years 9 months ago
3D Wayfinding Choremes: A Cognitively Motivated Representation of Route Junctions in Virtual Environments
Research in cognitive sciences suggests that orientation and navigation along routes can be improved if the graphical representation is aligned with the user’s mental concepts of a route. In this paper, we analyze an existing 2D schematization approach called wayfinding choremes and present an implementation for virtual 3D urban models, transferring the approach to 3D. To create the virtual environment, we transform the junctions of a route defined for a given road network to comply with the eight sector model, that is, outgoing legs of a junction are slightly rotated to align with prototypical directions in 45° increments. Then, the adapted road network is decomposed into polygonal block cells, the individual polygons are extruded to blocks and their façades are textured. For the evaluation of our 3D wayfinding choreme implementation, we present an EARLY DRAFT
Tassilo Glander, Denise Peters, Matthias Trapp, J&
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Tassilo Glander, Denise Peters, Matthias Trapp, Jürgen Döllner
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