

Aerogility: an intelligent decision support system for managing service-based aftermarkets

14 years 8 months ago
Aerogility: an intelligent decision support system for managing service-based aftermarkets
This paper describes Aerogility - an intelligent decision support system for managing service-based aftermarkets. Aerogility uses multi-agent software technology to implement a dynamic model of an aerospace aftermarket. The model is realistic and includes all the assets, people and processes in a dynamic and interactive representation of the business. An initial model can be implemented quickly then enhanced and extended in stages. Individual stakeholders can contribute their understanding of the business to their part of the model. The operational parameters and business rules that drive the behaviour of the model can be easily changed. A management team can work through a variety of what-if scenarios and comparative simulations to evaluate options and policy innovations. Each scenario can be benchmarked with various analytical information that facilitates detailed analysis and powerful insight. Categories and Subject Descriptors INDUSTRIAL SOFTWARE [Industrial and military applicati...
Viet Dung Dang, Steve Osborn, Gary Vickers, Malcol
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ATAL
Authors Viet Dung Dang, Steve Osborn, Gary Vickers, Malcolm Bridgeford
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