

UnitCheck: Unit Testing and Model Checking Combined

14 years 7 months ago
UnitCheck: Unit Testing and Model Checking Combined
Code model checking is a rapidly advancing research topic. However, apart from very constrained scenarios (e.g., verification of device drivers by Slam), the code model checking tools are not widely used in general software development process. We believe that this could be changed if the developers could use the tools in the same way they already use testing tools. In this paper, we present the UnitCheck tool, which enhances standard unit testing of Java code with model checking. A developer familiar with unit testing can apply the tool on standard unit test scenarios and benefit from the exhaustive traversal performed by a code model checker, which is employed inside UnitCheck. The UnitCheck plugin for Eclipse presents the checking results in a convenient way known from unit testing, while providing also a verbose output for the expert users.
Michal Kebrt, Ondrej Sery
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ATVA
Authors Michal Kebrt, Ondrej Sery
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