

A Heuristic Method for Business Process Model Evaluation

14 years 9 months ago
A Heuristic Method for Business Process Model Evaluation
In this paper, we present a heuristic approach for finding errors and possible improvements in business process models. First, we translate the information that is included in a model into a set of Prolog facts. We then search for patterns which are related to a violation of the soundness property, bad modeling style or otherwise give raise to the assumption that the model should be improved. By testing our approach on a large repository of real-world models, we found that the heuristic approach identifies violations of the soundness property almost as accurate as model-checkers that explore the state space of all possible executions of the model. Other than these tools, our approach never ran into state-space explosion problems. Furthermore, our pattern system can also detect patterns for bad modeling style which can help to improve the quality of the models.
Volker Gruhn, Ralf Laue
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Volker Gruhn, Ralf Laue
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