

A Polynomial-Time Perfect Sampler for the Q-Ising with a Vertex-Independent Noise

14 years 9 months ago
A Polynomial-Time Perfect Sampler for the Q-Ising with a Vertex-Independent Noise
We present a polynomial-time perfect sampler for the Q-Ising with a vertex-independent noise. The Q-Ising, one of the generalized models of the Ising, arose in the context of Bayesian image restoration in statistical mechanics. We study the distribution of Q-Ising on a two-dimensional square lattice over n vertices, that is, we deal with a discrete state space {1, . . . , Q}n for a positive integer Q. Employing the Q-Ising (having a parameter β) as a prior distribution, and assuming a Gaussian noise (having another parameter α), a posterior is obtained from the Bayes’ formula. Furthermore, we generalize it: the distribution of noise is not necessarily a Gaussian, but any vertex-independent noise. We first present a Gibbs sampler from our posterior, and also present a perfect sampler by defining a coupling via a monotone update function. Then, we show O(n log n) mixing time of the Gibbs sampler for the generalized model under a condition that β is sufficiently small (whatever th...
Masaki Yamamoto, Shuji Kijima, Yasuko Matsui
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Masaki Yamamoto, Shuji Kijima, Yasuko Matsui
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