

Spatio-terminological Inference for the Design of Ambient Environments

14 years 9 months ago
Spatio-terminological Inference for the Design of Ambient Environments
We present an approach to assist the smart environment design process by means of automated validation of work-in-progress designs. The approach facilitates validation of not only the purely structural requirements, but also the functional requirements expected of a smart environment whilst keeping in mind the plethora of sensory and interactive devices embedded within such an environment. The approach, founded in spatio-terminological reasoning, is illustrated in the context of formal ontology modeling constructs and reasoners, industrial architecture data standards and state-of-the-art commercial design software.
Mehul Bhatt, Frank Dylla, Joana Hois
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Mehul Bhatt, Frank Dylla, Joana Hois
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