

A Conceptual Model of the Cognitive Processing of Environmental Distance Information

14 years 9 months ago
A Conceptual Model of the Cognitive Processing of Environmental Distance Information
Abstract. I review theories and research on the cognitive processing of environmental distance information by humans, particularly that acquired via direct experience in the environment. The cognitive processes I consider for acquiring and thinking about environmental distance information include workingmemory, nonmediated, hybrid, and simple-retrieval processes. Based on my review of the research literature, and additional considerations about the sources of distance information and the situations in which it is used, I propose an integrative conceptual model to explain the cognitive processing of distance information that takes account of the plurality of possible processes and information sources, and describes conditions under which particular processes and sources are likely to operate. The mechanism of summing vista distances is identified as widely important in situations with good visual access to the environment. Heuristics based on time, effort, or other information are likel...
Daniel R. Montello
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Daniel R. Montello
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