

A Note on Cumulative Stereotypical Reasoning

14 years 9 months ago
A Note on Cumulative Stereotypical Reasoning
Abstract. We address the problem of providing a logical characterization of reasoning based on stereotypes. Following [6] we take a semantic perspective and we base our model on a notion of semantic distance. While still leading to cumulative reasoning, our notion of distance does, unlike Lehmann’s, allow reasoning under inconsistent information. Key words: Stereotypes, prototypes, cumulative reasoning, nonmonotonic logic, default-assumption logic. One important feature of intelligent reasoning consists in the capability of associating specific situations to general patterns and by doing so, extending one’s initial knowledge. Reasoning based on stereotypes is a case in point. Loosely speaking, a stereotype can be thought of as an individual whose characteristics are such that it represents a typical (i.e. generic) individual of the class it belongs to. For this reason a stereotypical individual can be expected to satisfy the key properties which are typically true of the class to ...
Giovanni Casini, Hykel Hosni
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Giovanni Casini, Hykel Hosni
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