

Engineering Social Reality with Inheritance Relations

14 years 7 months ago
Engineering Social Reality with Inheritance Relations
Abstract. In systems based on organisational specifications a reoccurring problem remains to be solved in the disparity between the level actness of the organisational concepts and the concepts used in ementation. Organisational specifications (deliberately) abstract from general practice, which creates a need to relate the abstract concepts used in the specification to concrete ones used in the practice. The prevailing solution for this problem is the use of counts-as statements. However, current implementations of counts-as view the relations expressed in this notion as static ontological classifications, which presents problems in dynamic environments where the meaning of abstract concepts can change over time. This limitation has already been solved in complex formal theoretical investigations, but the results of that study are far too complex to make a practical implementation. This paper investigates the limitations of current implementations of counts-as, and proposes a more...
Huib Aldewereld, Sergio Álvarez-Napagao, Fr
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ESAW
Authors Huib Aldewereld, Sergio Álvarez-Napagao, Frank Dignum, Javier Vázquez-Salceda
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