

DL-Lite with Temporalised Concepts, Rigid Axioms and Roles

14 years 9 months ago
DL-Lite with Temporalised Concepts, Rigid Axioms and Roles
We investigate the temporal extension of the description logic DL-Lite(RN ) bool with the until operator on concepts, rigid (time-independent) and local (time-dependent) roles, and rigid TBox axioms. Using an embedding into the one-variable fragment of first-order temporal logic and the quasimodel technique, we prove that (i) the satisfiability problem for the resulting logic is PSpace-complete, and that (ii) by weakening until to sometime in the future we obtain an NP-complete logic, which matches the complexities of the propositional linear-time temporal logics with the corresponding temporal operators.
Alessandro Artale, Roman Kontchakov, Vladislav Ryz
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Alessandro Artale, Roman Kontchakov, Vladislav Ryzhikov, Michael Zakharyaschev
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