

Using Meta-reasoning to Improve the Performance of Case-Based Planning

14 years 8 months ago
Using Meta-reasoning to Improve the Performance of Case-Based Planning
Case-based planning (CBP) systems are based on the idea of reusing past successful plans for solving new problems. Previous research has shown the ability of meta-reasoning approaches to improve the performance of CBP systems. In this paper we present a new meta-reasoning approach for autonomously improving the performance of CBP systems that operate in real-time domains. Our approach uses failure patterns to detect anomalous behaviors, and it can learn from experience which of the failures detected are important enough to be fixed. Finally, our metareasoning approach can exploit both successful and failed executions for meta-reasoning. We illustrate its benefits with experimental results from a system implementing our approach called Meta-Darmok in a real-time strategy game. The evaluation of Meta-Darmok shows that the system successfully adapts itself and its performance improves through appropriate revision of the case base.
Manish Mehta, Santiago Ontañón, Ashw
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Manish Mehta, Santiago Ontañón, Ashwin Ram
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