

Males' and Females' Script Debugging Strategies

14 years 7 months ago
Males' and Females' Script Debugging Strategies
Little research has addressed IT professionals’ script debugging strategies, or considered whether there may be gender differences in these strategies. What strategies do male and female scripters use and what kinds of mechanisms do they employ to successfully fix bugs? Also, are scripters’ debugging strategies similar to or different from those of spreadsheet debuggers? Without the answers to these questions, tool designers do not have a target to aim at for supporting how male and female scripters want to go about debugging. We conducted a think-aloud study to bridge this gap. Our results include (1) a generalized understanding of debugging strategies used by spreadsheet users and scripters, (2) identification of the multiple mechanisms scripters employed to carry out the strategies, and (3) detailed examples of how these debugging strategies were employed by males and females to successfully fix bugs.
Valentina Grigoreanu, James Brundage, Eric Bahna,
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Valentina Grigoreanu, James Brundage, Eric Bahna, Margaret M. Burnett, Paul ElRif, Jeffrey Snover
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