

Real-Time Dynamic Wrinkles of Face for Animated Skinned Mesh

14 years 7 months ago
Real-Time Dynamic Wrinkles of Face for Animated Skinned Mesh
This paper presents a method to add fine details, such as wrinkles and bulges, on a virtual face animated by common skinning techniques. Our system is based on a small set of reference poses (combinations of skeleton poses and wrinkle maps). At runtime, the current pose is compared with the reference skeleton poses, wrinkle maps are blended and applied where similarities exist. The poses evaluation is done with skeleton’s bones transformations. Skinning weights are used to associate rendered fragments and reference poses. This technique was designed to be easily inserted into a conventional real-time pipeline based on skinning animation and bump mapping rendering.
Ludovic Dutreve, Alexandre Meyer, Saïda Bouak
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ISVC
Authors Ludovic Dutreve, Alexandre Meyer, Saïda Bouakaz
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