

Location Diversity: Enhanced Privacy Protection in Location Based Services

14 years 6 months ago
Location Diversity: Enhanced Privacy Protection in Location Based Services
Abstract. Location-based Services are emerging as popular applications in pervasive computing. Spatial k-anonymity is used in Locationbased Services to protect privacy, by hiding the association of a specific query with a specific user. Unfortunately, this approach fails in many practical cases such as: (i) personalized services, where the user identity is required, or (ii) applications involving groups of users (e.g., employees of the same company); in this case, associating a query to any member of the group, violates privacy. In this paper, we introduce the concept of Location Diversity, which solves the above-mentioned problems. Location Diversity improves Spatial k-anonymity by ensuring that each query can be associated with at least different semantic locations (e.g., school, shop, hospital, etc). We present an attack model that maps each observed query to a linear equation involving semantic locations, and we show that a necessary condition to preserve privacy is the existenc...
Mingqiang Xue, Panos Kalnis, Hung Keng Pung
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where LOCA
Authors Mingqiang Xue, Panos Kalnis, Hung Keng Pung
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