

A Consensus Reaching Model for Web 2.0 Communities

14 years 7 months ago
A Consensus Reaching Model for Web 2.0 Communities
Web 2.0 Communities allow large amounts of users to interact with each others. In fact, new Web 2.0 technologies allow to share resources and information in an easy and timely manner, allowing real time communication among persons all over the world. However, as Web 2.0 Communities are a quite recent phenomenon with its own characteristics and particularities, there is still a necessity of developing new tools that allow to reach decisions with a high enough consensus level among their users. In this contribution we present a new consensus reaching model designed to incorporate the benefits that a Web 2.0 Community offers (rich and diverse knowledge due to a large number of users, real-time communication. . . ) and that tries to minimize the main problems that this kind of organization presents (low and intermittent participation rates, difficulty of establishing trust relations and so on).
Sergio Alonso, Ignacio J. Pérez, Francisco
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where MDAI
Authors Sergio Alonso, Ignacio J. Pérez, Francisco Javier Cabrerizo, Enrique Herrera-Viedma
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