

Investigation of Information Dissemination Design Criteria in Large-Scale Network Environments

14 years 6 months ago
Investigation of Information Dissemination Design Criteria in Large-Scale Network Environments
—The design of efficient information dissemination mechanism is a challenging problem in large-scale network with respect to the number of messages and termination time. In this paper, advertisement and searching – the two basic ingredients of information dissemination – are investigated and certain criteria are proposed with respect to the correctness, promptness and fairness of the approach. Based on the complementarity of both advertisement and searching, the aforementioned criteria can be satisfied under certain conditions, which form the baseline of design principles for efficient information dissemination, as analytically – also using numerical results – is investigated here. Keywords-Information Dissemination; Dominating Sets; Largescale Networks;
Konstantinos Oikonomou, Dimitrios Kogias, Leonidas
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where PCI
Authors Konstantinos Oikonomou, Dimitrios Kogias, Leonidas Tzevelekas, Ioannis Stavrakakis
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