

Epitomic analysis of appearance and shape

15 years 5 months ago
Epitomic analysis of appearance and shape
See for videos, comparisons and applications. We present novel simple appearance and shape models that we call epitomes. The epitome of an image is its miniature, condensed version containing the essence of the textural and shape properties of the image. As opposed to previously used simple image models, such as templates or basis functions, the size of the epitome is considerably smaller than the size of the image or object it represents, but the epitome still contains most constitutive elements needed to reconstruct the image (Fig. 1). A collection of images often shares an epitome, e.g., when images are a few consecutive frames from a video sequence, or when they are photographs of similar objects. A particular image in a collection is defined by its epitome and a smooth mapping from the epitome to the image pixels. When the epitomic representation is used within a hierarchical generative model, appropriate inference algorithms can be de...
Nebojsa Jojic, Brendan J. Frey, Anitha Kannan
Added 15 Oct 2009
Updated 31 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICCV
Authors Nebojsa Jojic, Brendan J. Frey, Anitha Kannan
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