

Using Formal Grammar and Genetic Operators to Evolve Malware

14 years 9 months ago
Using Formal Grammar and Genetic Operators to Evolve Malware
In this paper, we leverage the concepts of formal grammar and genetic operators to evolve malware. As a case study, we take COM infectors and design their formal grammar with production rules in the BNF form. The chromosome (abstract representation) of an infector consists of genes (production rules). The code generator uses these production rules to derive the source code. The standard genetic operators – crossover and mutation – are applied to evolve population. The results of our experiments show that the evolved population contains a significant proportion of valid COM infectors. Moreover, approximately 7% of the evolved malware evade detection by COTS anti-virus software. 1 Evolutionary Malware Engine: an Empirical Study Malware writers have developed malware engines which create different variants of a given malware – mostly by applying packing techniques. The developed variants essentially have the same functionality and semantics. In contrast, our methodology targets to...
Sadia Noreen, Shafaq Murtaza, M. Zubair Shafiq, Mu
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where RAID
Authors Sadia Noreen, Shafaq Murtaza, M. Zubair Shafiq, Muddassar Farooq
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