

Decidable Order-Sorted Logic Programming for Ontologies and Rules with Argument Restructuring

14 years 8 months ago
Decidable Order-Sorted Logic Programming for Ontologies and Rules with Argument Restructuring
Abstract. This paper presents a decidable fragment for combining ontologies and rules in order-sorted logic programming. We describe ordersorted logic programming with sort, predicate, and meta-predicate hierarchies for deriving predicate and meta-predicate assertions. Meta-level predicates (predicates of predicates) are useful for representing relationships between predicate formulas, and further, they conceptually yield a hierarchy similar to the hierarchies of sorts and predicates. By extending the order-sorted Horn-clause calculus, we develop a query-answering system that can answer queries such as atoms and meta-atoms generalized by containing predicate variables. We show that the expressive query-answering system computes every generalized query in single exponential time, i.e., the complexity of our query system is equal to that of DATALOG.
Ken Kaneiwa, Philip H. P. Nguyen
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Ken Kaneiwa, Philip H. P. Nguyen
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