

Evaluating multi-core platforms for HPC data-intensive kernels

14 years 9 months ago
Evaluating multi-core platforms for HPC data-intensive kernels
Multi-core platforms have proven themselves able to accelerate numerous HPC applications. But programming dataintensive applications on such platforms is a hard, and not yet solved, problem. Not only do modern processors favor compute-intensive code, they also have diverse architectures and incompatible programming models. And even after making a difficult platform choice, extensive programming effort must be invested with an uncertain performance outcome. By taking the plunge on an irregular, data-intensive application, we present an evaluation of three platform types, namely the generic multi-core CPU, the STI Cell/B.E., and the GPU. We evaluate these platforms in terms of application performance, programming effort and cost. Although we do not select a clear winner, we do provide a list of guidelines to assist in platform choice and development of similar data-intensive applications. Categories and Subject Descriptors
Alexander S. van Amesfoort, Ana Lucia Varbanescu,
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CF
Authors Alexander S. van Amesfoort, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Henk J. Sips, Rob van Nieuwpoort
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