

Cache-oblivious range reporting with optimal queries requires superlinear space

14 years 9 months ago
Cache-oblivious range reporting with optimal queries requires superlinear space
We consider a number of range reporting problems in two and three dimensions and prove lower bounds on the amount of space used by any cache-oblivious data structure for these problems that achieves the optimal query bound of O(logB N + K/B) block transfers, where K is the size of the query output. The problems we study are three-sided range reporting, 3-d dominance reporting, and 3-d halfspace range reporting. We prove that, in order to achieve the above query bound or even a bound of f(logB N, K/B), for any monotonically increasing function f(·, ·), the data structure has to use Ω(N(log log N)ε ) space. This lower bound holds even for the expected size of any Las-Vegas-type data structure that achieves an expected query bound of at most f(logB N, K/B) block transfers. The exponent ε depends on the function f and on the range of permissible block sizes. Our result has a number of interesting consequences. The first one is a new type of separation between the I/O model and the ...
Peyman Afshani, Chris H. Hamilton, Norbert Zeh
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Peyman Afshani, Chris H. Hamilton, Norbert Zeh
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