

Event-based applications and enabling technologies

14 years 7 months ago
Event-based applications and enabling technologies
Event processing has become the paradigm of choice in many monitoring and reactive applications. However, the understanding of events, their composition and level of abstraction, the style of processing and the quality of service requirements vary drastically across application domains. We introduce the basic notions of event processing to create a common understanding, present the enabling technologies that are used for the implementation of event-based systems, survey a wide range of applications identifying their main features, and discuss open research issues.
Annika Hinze, Kai Sachs, Alejandro P. Buchmann
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where DEBS
Authors Annika Hinze, Kai Sachs, Alejandro P. Buchmann
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