

An empirical comparison of "wiimote" gun attachments for pointing tasks

14 years 9 months ago
An empirical comparison of "wiimote" gun attachments for pointing tasks
We evaluated and compared four input methods using the Nintendo Wii Remote for pointing tasks. The methods used (i) the "A" button on top of the device, (ii) the "B" button on the bottom of the device, (iii) the Intec Wii Combat Shooter attachment and (iv) the Nintendo Wii Zapper attachment. Fitts' throughput for all four input methods was calculated for both button-up and button-down events. Results indicate that the throughput of the Wii Remote using the A button is 2.85 bps for button-down events. Performance with the Intec Wii Combat Shooter attachment was significantly worse than with the other input methods, likely due to the trigger mechanism. Throughput for button-down target selection using the B button was highest at 2.93 bps. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 [Information interfaces and presentation]: User Interfaces – Input devices and strategies General Terms Performance, Human Factors. Keywords Remote pointing, gaming input devices, ISO ...
Victoria McArthur, Steven J. Castellucci, I. Scott
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where EICS
Authors Victoria McArthur, Steven J. Castellucci, I. Scott MacKenzie
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