

Grounding interpersonal privacy in mediated settings

14 years 9 months ago
Grounding interpersonal privacy in mediated settings
Recent technologies supporting continuous connectivity enable sustained awareness within social networks, which eventually boosts interaction and therefore the need of individuals to manage their interpersonal privacy. This paper introduces the Privacy Grounding Model that describes how people develop and use mechanisms to establish a shared understanding of their intentions to interact with others. The main design implication of this model is the need for lightweight interactive mechanisms by which individuals can collaboratively ground needs for interaction. To illustrate how the model supports the design of grounding mechanisms, we present examples and discuss a case study that informs about their use during several weeks. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.3 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: Group and Organization interfaces – asynchronous interaction, synchronous interaction, theory and models. General Terms Design, Human Factors, Theory. Keywords Interpersonal pri...
Natalia A. Romero, Panos Markopoulos
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Natalia A. Romero, Panos Markopoulos
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