

Human-aided computer cognition for e-discovery

14 years 7 months ago
Human-aided computer cognition for e-discovery
Throughout its history, AI researchers have alternatively seen their mission as producing computer behavior that is indistinguishable from that of humans or as providing computational tools to augment human intelligence. The legal context provides a particularly rich domain for exploring the benefits of both approaches because human judgments are central to the delivery of just outcomes with formal mechanisms for challenging any and all judgments within its core practices and institutions. Through exploration of legal ediscovery, we explicitly address these alternative paradigms for applying interdisciplinary sciences to knowledge-based systems. We demonstrate through a series of quantitative studies that a system architecture for Human-Aided Computer Cognition automates and replicates judgments significantly better than the ubiquitous, traditional ComputerAided Human Cognition of senior attorney relevance as is defined in legal practice. Keywords Information Retrieval, Knowledge Re...
Christopher Hogan, Robert Bauer, Dan Brassil
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Christopher Hogan, Robert Bauer, Dan Brassil
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